Saturday 27 January 2007

Segata Sanshiro- The Documentary...

Yes I think we need more...
We need to know the history that inspired the cult. Sorry... did I say CULT...
I wasn't supposed to have mentioned that till I'd ordered the brainwashing video and obligitary Judo suits that we all have to wear on the ranch... Shit! i didn't mean to mention the ranch till I'd bought the guns... FUCK! Did I say guns??? I wasn't meant to mention the guns till we were under seige... FECKING SHIT!!! I didn't mean to mention the seige till the federal agents turned up...

Oh fuck it!!! Just watch and enjoy...


  1. Who is this guy again?

    LOL! jk!

  2. Right Junlee, you don't get a gun. Because I like you, you can still have a judo suit and an Elvis wig.

    Oh alright! You can have a gun as well. Now after three, 1,2,3...

    Segata sanshiro... etc.etc.

  3. I think I can hear the sirens! Wow, they are fast...

  4. Quick! barricade the door, don your Judo outfits, straighten your wigs and get the safety catches off those guns...

  5. (hiding behind couch....)
    it's all gnomes fault he was hogging the altar, someone obviously complained...

    !!!! I know !!

    we'll set fire to ourselves that way we won't be here when they break through the heavily barricaded iron door.

  6. A magnificent idea! I'll get the matches!

  7. Glad you guys are thinking on your feet! You're just the calibre of men this organisation needs!!!

    Still...disappointing turn out just the three of us... How many does a cult need to actually count as an ACTUAL cult?

    Right! That's it! We'll sneak out of the backdoor and do a leafleting campaign... Come on!

  8. (leaves FK's sitting room carrying large box of pamphlets.......)

  9. (enters room, takes ceremonial Segata Sanshiro Karate outfit....leaves quietly......)

  10. (enters room, takes ceremonial elvis wig and semi-automatic... eats some cake.... leaves quietly....)
