Thursday 29 March 2007

Some random Saturn Pics.

Here are some of the different variations of the Saturn as well as some add-ons I never knew existed until today...

Sonic chillin' with the black and white image...

OK a floppy drive...? I had no idea ANYTHING like this existed for the Saturn...
This is a printer for the Saturn...? What the heck did it print?

If any of you have seen some cool Saturn stuff or custom paintjobs and mods please leave a link in the comment section.

By the way... a MINT Virtua Cop disk is now mine.... $.98



  1. Drool, drool!!!

    The printer! I want it !

    Seems like that would be a good one for Retro Treasures...

    Plus $.98 for Virtua Cop! Damn some of the old FK bargain hunting skills must be rubbing off...


  2. Actually I do recall seeing some sort of photo shop type thing...

  3. That is it!!!

    Im looking for a saturn on ebay!!

  4. HURRAH! Go Mikey! Go Mikey!

    Our first Saturn convert!!!

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  5. you bargain finding converter you... 98 cents.... you should win an award....

  6. ??... (shrugs accepting that the logic of awarding a printer is beyond his mental capacity)

    yep and a printer.....

  7. Perhaps two printers and another award... that looks like a printer... shaped like an award!

  8. okay, once we source a printer cartridge for the award shaped printer, Gnome will don his cermonials, i'll order the punch and let the festivities commence
