Thursday 3 May 2007

NiGHTS + Wii + Jacko + J = Thriller!!

If there is one blog that really encompasses the ultimate in blogging sites for me, despite stiff competition from Gnome, Elderly and Tomleecee, its J's Corner of Randomness.

That young'un just seems to have the right mixture of games, music, comedy and random stuff!

This particular piece just I just loved! Look at it here. God, anyone would think he was in some way preparing to deliver some sort of Segata Sanshiro Drum + Bass Remix or something for Father Krishna's almost top secret 40th Birthday Celebrations on May 16th- (SHHH! Don't tell anyone, I don't want a fuss...)


  1. Hey, what's that top secret celebration thingy? Anyway. Have fun in Barcelona... I hear you can get some pretty cheap PAL Wii games over there....

  2. Why thank you for the good wishes Gnome!

  3. I agree, concur..and erm....

    visit J's regularily....

  4. It's been a little quiet there lately... Do you think he's building up to a great big Happy Birthday FK post on May The 16th... That's my almost top secret 40th birthday! (Sssshhh! Don't tell anyone! I DOn't want a fuss...)

  5. ...nah i doubt it... specially if it's secret.. I mean what a complete breach of confidentiality, throwing a surprise party for a birthday, nobody knows anything about....... nah he's probably found a really attractive distraction... like...

    oh dear...

