Wednesday 22 October 2008

The Saturn lives on

Just a moment ago a friend of mine showed me an article in a newspaper about the so-called esports. You know, those professional gamers who get paid to play Counter-Strike and Starcraft. Well, what does that have to do with our beloved Saturn? Guess what picture they chose to illustrate the article...

Click on it to maximize and notice just what controller the kid is holding. Hell yeah! Despite the Saturn not having virtually anything to do with the article, they still decided to show it. Now that's recognition for a good console :D


  1. Might be time to switch from Imageshack to Photobucket. The picture doesn't seem to want to come up, sadly.

  2. It did work here!

    Very great find, Nebachadnezzar. Is there no hint in the article, if the image was maybe taken at that esports event building? Very weird to choose a pic like that, hehe. Very great as well, though.

  3. Arugulaz, is it yet not working for you?

    Glad you liked it, elend. I'm pretty sure the image is completely unrelated to the article since it wasn't about an event in particular but e-sports in general. I guess their point was to show that professional gamers started playing early in their lives, I guess, and some of them probably started with the Saturn.

    BTW, here's the link for scans of the whole article:

    It's in Portuguese, though, so you'll probably understand as much of it as I understand the flyers you post in German xD

  4. It comes up for a split second, then turns into a flat blue box.

  5. Here, I've uploaded it to photobucket:

  6. Great find Nebacha. The picture was probably chosen because the Saturn represents the pinnacle of gaming and as such deserves to be posted everywhere.
