Tuesday 28 July 2009

A chance to play nearly every game

Here's a couple of photos for your viewing pleasure. Article's been removed and I will try to write some original stuff in the future after I have managed to do some thesis.



  1. Nice to see a new article on the yard (even if it's an items for sale posting)! I was almost going to do another posting just so that they place didn't feel so abandoned.

  2. so u wanna sell ur modded saturn ok np,but selling over 400 games with it is just asking for it.
    u basicly ripped of 10000+ devs,and even want to make money on their work 0_o
    I dont care if the saturn is long dead,selling backups is worst shit u can do.

  3. eeeeyeah... he does have a point. Unless a used CD costs $1, you are making profit on what are basically bootlegs. Even then it's a gray area. How much would the lot cost were the CDs not included?

  4. As much as I'd love a fully modded Saturn like this I'm not sure if I'd want to splash that kind of cash even with 400 back ups. Would you be up for selling the system with less of the discs?

  5. Or rather, without the back ups at all. I have close to 100 original games as it is.

  6. Hmm... quite interesting, really.... If only I weren't in the army...

  7. Seriously, you guys look like the copyright brigade...

    What's the problem of selling the backups? Is he robbing anyone? No, because even if you buy those games nowadays the developers won't see a penny. Is he contributing to share the love for the Saturn? Why, indeed, because the lucky buyer will have more games than he probably could ever afford if he only bought originals off the hands of greedy sellers.

    I know the law doesn't make a distinction between pirating retro and current games, but the impact on the industry is totally and hugely different.

    Is it illegal? Yes. Is it immoral, or harmful to the retro game community? I honestly don't think so, because for many of us backups are the only way to experience some gems from the past, but you have the right to disagree...

  8. I hate to pile on, but it IS pretty bold to sell illegal copies in such a public way. Downloading a game to try it is one thing, but advertising and selling copied games is quite something else. Just my opinion...

  9. Take the better part of your gaming life to burn 400 backups? BS.

  10. Its not so much copyright issues..but its just the question of ripping someone off just because they don't know where to download saturn iso's off the internet. If it was at least a reasonable price to reflect the media, then it wouldn't be a big deal. You can easily consolidate your saturn iso collection on a few DVDs and tell them how to burn it. You can easily sell the console on ebay, but good luck selling copied games at outrageous prices.

  11. Hi guys, thanks for the comments.

    I have over 310 original Saturn games as well - but those are staying with my Japanese unit.

    This purchase does not rip off the developers for two reasons.

    a) If you own the game, this is completely legal (you can ask me for a list of backups)

    b) if you don't own the game, chances are that the developing studio went bust years ago... these backups were made last year... over 10 years after the launch of the Dreamcast. Tell me how buying a game for the saturn now, will give ANY money to a dev? None. It's not in the shops these days. The money goes to eBay resellers.

    I am not out to rip anyone off, as I said - it's completely for convenience.

    Copied games are not as illegal as you might think for a dead format, but judging by the comments here, I think I'll delete the article.

    I am extremely busy these days with my thesis, so I can't do much in the way of writing, or gaming - which is a massive shame.

    Enjoy your games guys!

  12. Selling *backups* is illegal and is not allowed by sites like ebay because gamers get pissed off and report the seller.

    The seller then gets his account deleted/suspended.

    Selling of *backups* DOES violate the blogger's terms of service.

    If you do this and get people pissed off someone will report you and your account will be deleted or maybe you will get the Saturn Junkyard deleted from Blogger.

    I have read this blog for a year and it would suck if that happened.

    It would really suck if you managed to get a great blog like this deleted because of your own actions.

    You didn't even help build up this blog. All you are doing is using the amount of people that come here to try to make some money for yourself.

    If you really want to sell illegal copies of games spend a few years building up your own blog or website and then risk getting it deleted.

  13. I missed the article in it's original form - how much were you asking for this bundle Martin?

  14. I am sure it wasn't enough to justify getting the Saturn Junkyard shut down.

    Or maybe it was to Martin.

    Nobody is going to buy the "backups" excuse when you are selling a bundle that large.

  15. Oh and it's not like Saturn Games are still being sold...

    ...Oh wait didn't a re-release of Virtual On just get made?

    So I guess there are no more BS excuses.

  16. Fuck you Glitch. Come over to my house. Then we'll see about it all.
