
Ok, forget that...
Have you heard about SAGE? No, I'm not talking about 4chan, but Sega Amateur Games Expo. First time I heard about it, actually. Apparently, and as the name implies, it's a display of fan-made Sonic games, most of them resembling the old 2D games of yore, while others attempting a shot at 3D (and, like Sega, failing miserably). But why am I talking about this in the Sega Junkyard? Because of this little gem.
Probably the only fan-made 3D Sonic game not to suck, through the use of a somewhat archaic game engine, unintentionally or not, it ends up looking a lot like a Saturn game, only with the obvious bump in resolution and texture detail. Ok, maybe not exactly like a Saturn game, but at least like a Model 2 one, and that's close enough for me.
So, I thought I would just let you know about it, in case you desperately want to play something that loosely resembles what Sonic X-Treme could've been. Demo available at the official site (downloading now).
Also, "sage goes in all fields" (kudos to whoever understands this obscure reference :P )
Only 3D sonic fan game that doesn't suck? Ahem, Sonic Robo Blast 2? :P
So I had this Saturn related dream last night:
I was playing NiGHTS and in the intro they did a character role call, so the kids and enemies were named off. But then a character that I had never noticed before appeared named "Pickle", and he looked like a big nosed Robert De Niro in a brown suit. This revelation led me to learn that Pickle of NiGHTS was indeed a younger Prof. Pickle of Sonic Unleashed! Hence, Prof. Pickle began his career studying Nightopia before moving on to Dark Gaia.
@Gman, Wasn't aware of that one, guess I gotta check it out :)
BTW, in the meantime I tried it out and I gotta say, it's pretty good. The control's not that responsive, but maybe with a couple of key changes it'll play better. Anyway, it's a promising little game.
@Barry, lol, I had no idea :D
Not such an obscure reference... my user name is very relevant :P
Anon delivers! :P
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