Is this a completely useless article meant to fill the void of articles here at the Saturn Junkyard? Of course not! (Okay, it actually is).
Last month saw the demise of the other Saturn machine, the Saturn car. Following the withdrawal of a bid by Penske Automotive to acquire Saturn Corporation, General Motors announced that it expected to phase out the Saturn brand by October 2010. What does this have to do with SEGA Saturn fans? Well, for one thing, whenever I say "I just bought a brand new black American Saturn", the average person would think of this:

When in actuality, I was referring to this:

Imagine the looks on peoples faces when I then tell them that the Saturn was only $20! Saturn fans will also remember the Saturn (the car) as the other search result that shows up on Google. While Saturn (the console) fans may care little about the Saturn car, remember how you felt when Sega moved on to the Dreamcast. Right now, thousands of car owners are feeling the same thing we once did. So if you see a Saturn owner, give them a hug.
"Saturn fans will also remember the Saturn (the car) as the other search result that shows up on Google."
That happened to me so many times...
Haha yeah. Yet, I like the (other) Saturn Logo!
I've actually been directed to scrapyards which stock Saturn car parts when looking for this very site...
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