Last year, in the month of December, we not only celebrated Christmas, we celebrated 11 years of the Saturn Junkyard, the very blog you are reading now! Whilst not always fully operational, the site has managed to reach a grand old age, which in internet terms is ancient! I set a competition for our members to design a graphic for a Junkyard that represented and celebrated those eleven glorious years.
I would like to thank all of the entrants for the excellent work submitted! Thank you so much for your hard work and efforts! Congratulations if you were a place winner! I hope you are not too disappointed if you were a runner up! I'm sure you will be happy with your runner up rewards...
As I know some of the entrants for the competition, it was long ago decided that we would have to have judges from outside of the Saturn Junkyard community. I chose two people who have a knowledge of the Saturn, it's games and it's reference points, such as iconic images, game characters and packaging. They have both played and enjoyed Saturn games and one of the judges has a media degree. They both wish to remain anonymous for their own reasons, and we're going to respect their wishes.
As it's the Saturn Junkyard, everyone wins a prize. The runners up will receive a Club Saturn CD (and perhaps even a mystery bonus!)
Ben Boyd - First Prize!
Wins A Japanese Sega Saturn Controller
David Lee - Second Prize!
Wins Custom Made 'Policenauts' Repro Packaging (we're throwing in the discs too!)
Our Very Own Samuel Myles - Third Prize!
Wins a copy of Official Sega Saturn Magazine.
Mark Richardson Fourth Prize! Wins a Saturn Game! (depending on tastes,to be discussed...)
Gaz Cormack: Runner Up - Wins a Club Saturn CD!
Simon Gale: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD!
Sam Finston: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD!
Jason Luxton: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD!
Simon Gale: Runner Up - Wins Another Club Saturn CD!
Daniel Ripley: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD! |
Andrew Rosa: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD! |
Daniel Turner: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD!
Daniel Mark: Runner Up - Wins A Club Saturn CD! |