I'm a tad embarassed, yet conversely a tad proud to be highlighting this one, but it remains one of my favourite Saturn games of all times, and definitely a contender for the Saturn game I have clocked up the most gaming hours on.

Doesn't sound to promising does it? The game however is sublime! A 2D adventure/puzzler that somehow appears 3D (the view is Birds Eye, but Casper can also float up and down over objects as well as side to side and come 'towards' or 'away' from you as you watch...) Our hero floats from room to room, discovering new and secret parts of the mansion by finding coloured keys which unlock various doors, discovering new powers, for example the ability to move through vents in the wall as a puff of smoke, moving the lances on ancient suits of armour which reveal secret passages and so on...

For some reason he also eats sandwiches and carrots which are found in the kitchen areas and has to avoid the sulphorous belches and farts of his deceased uncles. The goal of the game is to discover pieces of portraits of Fatso, Stinky and Stretch and to get that danged reincarnation machine working again... It also has one of the finest orchestral Saturn scores I've heard...
Now I realise that this is a piss poor review that probably leaves you none the wiser about the game and does little to make you want to rush out and buy it, but TRUST ME, you'll love it!
I give you my personal garantee!

I couldn't find any video of it (please let me know if you do!) But I did find a rather positive review, and some screen shots which I shamelessy nicked!
If you buy this and don't like it, I will personally hand deliver you a copy of Radiant Silvergun, carried on a velvet cushion, in a gold plated box, accompanied by vestal virgins and Egyptian dwarves sounding fanfairs on platinum trumpets made from Unicorn horns. (Or will just deny all knowledge of this post... *cough*)

I HAVE this game!
I thought it looked pretty cool.
I will have to give it a good try soon!
Oh and if we keep on getting hit by the ad-bots we might have switch to protected comments...
Excellent Caleb! Play it and let me know what you think...
As for protected comments, why not use your admin powers to set it up... That last spam was annoying to say the least...
Gimme adminstatus as well and I'll blow them all to hell! >:)
I was always interested in that Casper game, since I heard it's 2D. You know, if it's 2D, I have to buy it. Too bad I haven't had the chance to do so yet, because I was collecting japanese games only at that time. But at least I saw a video by now (Which I can't find anymore? Wtf? I thought it was on YouTube?!) and it looked quite interesting. Now that I also collect PAL and US Games, I might as well buy the PAL Version so that I actually understand the onscreen text. And if I hate it, I am looking forward to my Radiant Silvergun (and the egyptian dwarfes.. wtf?)
Yeah, you really have to get used to the controls. It's so speedy. I still have to give it a proper try. I am currently playing other games.
I think you'll find dear elend, that you've had admin priveliges since last night (as has dear Nebacha)... Which means you are both now equal owners and partners in the 'Yard! (I thought you'd have been notified by blogger email?) Maybe now we can have your lovely banner at the top!
Nebacha, you've been my hero for quite some time! This just takes your status higher... Good job!
Didn't like Formula Karts eh? Jesus, it's Sega Rally Revo all over again! LOL!
Oh thanks a lot, FatherK! I can already see the trashcans beside every post so I guess it worked. Haven't received a mail, though. Anyways, I'll now delete spamposts once I see them.
Dunno about that Saturn Junkyard header graphic, though. If you'd really take my version, I'd try to change it. I just don't know if I will succeed. Hehe. And that doesn't mean the current one is bad! It's just EUR version, whilst mine is JAP version. :D
Oh yay, I did change it! I back upped the original one, just in case. -_-; It wasn't hard at all to change it. Very nice.
I too haven't received any mail, but the management symbols that suddenly appeared gave me an hint about my new "powers" in the Yard. Thanks Father :)
The new banner is nice, but I got to admit, I liked the old one better. As much as I love Japanese imports, I'm an Euro gamer at heart :)
LOVING THE NEW HEADER!!!! Excellent work elend!
Customise the SJY as muh as you want!
We could also change the header monthly to satisfy both parties. Hehe. I don't want to mess around with the yard, too much, but maybe I'll add something here and there.
Great post fatherkrishna :) I have this game, haven't played a lot, someday I will play more.
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