Whenever people talk about the Sega Saturn they also talk about its great games. Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter often lead the fanboy discussions but there is this third game, which the Saturn is known for.
Panzer Dragoon. Released in late 1995 it was the first, truly great game for the Saturn, which was not an arcade port. And it has made its impact. So much, that Gamasutra.com - a site which looks behind the scenes of the gaming industry from time to time - features Panzer Dragoon in a whooping 8 pages tribute, called
the history of Panzer Dragoon. Go for it, it's a nice read and may bring back some memories or even tears for you.
Love Panzer Dragoon...there's a really good fan site out there with a bunch of great concept art. I used it for my review of saga: http://blog.graduategames.com/2007/03/one-of-best-games-youve-never-played_14.html
Also, would you be so kind as to update your link to Gnade Games to the new address: Graduate Games' Blog - blog.graduategames.com
Much appreciated!
Alrighty, changed the name and link!
Excellent post dear elend. I've fond memories of the series. It just seemed so hi-tec and tripped out back in the day...
One of the series that defined the Saturn. Got to read that article!
BTW, Father, I just discovered that Panzer Dragoon Orta, the only non-Saturn sequel, is retro compatible with the Xbox 360. Exactly why am I just discovering this now and what the hell are we waiting for to get it???
Oh, I'm just loving my dear 360 more and more these days. It's like discovering a part of Sega's history I've been missing until now. First Jet Set Radio Future, now Panzer Dragoon (hope I can find it soon) and in the future Sega GT 2002...(Gun Valkyrie is not RC though...)
It's also no problem to buy an old Xbox for like... 20 EUR. :D The expensive part is the shipping, since the weight of the Xbox is approx. 500 tons. Hehehehe.
Oh well, to bad I hate the Xbox. I'd love to play Panzer Dragoon Orta some day, yet I don't really want to buy a Xbox.
Thanks for the tip Nebacha, I'll look it up on eBay today!
I had a great day yesterday! Finally got my hands on my copy of Savaki (it had been sent to a different post office). Then traded several duplicate Dreamcast games I discovered when ordering my collection and got my hands on VF5!!!!!
They're way pricier around these parts, elend. I can't seem to find a modded one in good condition for less than 100€.
And what's with the xbox hatred? Are you going to prevent yourself from enjoying a good game just because you don't like the system? :D
Father, don't forget to tell me what you think of Savaki. Oh, and I got to grab myself some VF5. Loved the demo.
If I'm honest Nebacha, it seemed a little slow and difficult. Perhaps maybe a little too like a real Thai boxing bout and not enough like a video game... Having said that, I only played about five minutes as one fighter and I was itching to play VF5... Not necessarily the most objective way to test a game...
Indeed, but about the difficulty, you really need to learn to use the counter-attacks, and about being slow, don't know in which difficulty setting you played, but in easy it's like the game is in slow motion, only in normal does it run at normal speed.
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