You may have noticed a certain blue hedgehog making a prolific amount of appearances in the comment sections of our sister site, the Dreamcast Junkyard, in the cbox in the sidebar and even adding some interesting Saturn modding advice in the comment section of the last post!
Yes it's the ever present and ever funny Barry The Nomad, so named because of his love of Sega's "bulky but beautiful" handheld masterpiece. Indeed, Barry's love for the Nomad has resulted in the creation of the Nomad Junkyard, the latest addition to the ever growing family of Sega Junkyards out there.
And what a corker of a blog it is! As slick as an eel soaked in butter, and with twice the bite, the Nomad Junkyard celebrates all things Sega, not just the Nomad itself. So what did I do when I saw his wit and talent displayed over at the NJY??? Why I hijacked him of course, bundled him into a large sack and forced him at gunpoint to agree to syphon his Saturn musings to the Saturn Junkyard! Mwuahahahaha!!!
I also sat him in front of a large black and white spiral that spun slowly inwards, and a swinging golden pocket watch which hypnotised him into a deep trance. I then played the Segata Sanshiro theme tune on a loop through some headphones for the next 72 hours, ensuring his status in the cult of Segata, and subsequent undying allegiance to the SJY! The effect on Barry was somewhat startling , as you can see from the photo evidence below. He now only wears his Judo suit, and has spent over seven hundred thousand dollars having the 'Elvis style' hair of a genuine Japanese Segata impersonator, grafted one by one, onto his own scalp.
Barry before Cult Indoctrination...

Barry after Cult Indoctrination.

"Sega Saturn shiro!"
Thanks for the kudos-filled intro FK! Now I will only think of eels soaked in butter when I view my blog... and get very very hungry.
I'm looking forward to bringing an American's p.o.v. to the house that Segata (and FK) built!
Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll be a worthy addition to this most esteemed of blogging teams, and I can't wait to see some posts of yours. Cheers! :D
So glad to have you here Barry! Welcome aboard sir!
Thanks dudes! I have a New York trip this weekend with some potential article destinations. :D
Hey, welcome here! Nice to see not only an addition to the Saturn Junkyard "staff" but also the junkyards themselfes.
Thanks! I'm currently in NYC, just visited a VERY worthy store for an article. But the REAL news (and the article will contain this) is that I shared a street corner with Macaulay Culkin!!
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