The "Sega Saturn Consumer Brochure Winter 1995" probably has the longest name in the history of Sega Saturn memorabilia, but I couldn't think of a better one. It basically is a 28 page heavy consumer brochure for the Sega Saturn games - and in small parts peripheral - program of the winter 1995. I bought it for an insane amount of money and felt the urge to scan it, since I paid 18 EUR (26.76 USD) for it... whoops! I actually wanted to keep that a secret, but there you go. Call me nuts.
Download a 14 Megabyte PDF of it*
Apart from waking a really warm and fuzzy nostalgia in me, it isn't actually that special. It's really nice to read the marketing blah blah of the 90s, tho. For example: Did you know, that "Sim City 2000" has "brilliant 3D graphics, that do justice to the Saturn's 3D abilities"? I certainly didn't and thought it was a 2D game all those years! Other than that, it still features "Descent" as a coming soon game, which we all know by now, never saw the light of day on the Saturn. Which is a shame, really. The only guys to be able to make a decent port would have been "Lobotomy Software", but they were still working on Exhumed, which was called "Ruins" in the brochure.
And uhm... did I already mention that the whole brochure is in German? No? Well... never mind and download it anyways, since it's visually very well made and the AM2 Interviews are uninteresting and meaningless anyways.
*I really recommend Foxit PDF Reader, because it's a) freeware, b) reliable, c) small and d) opens much faster than Adobe programs. Go download it here!
You're not insane. Someone who bought Wii Sports from me off Ebay for $75 is insane (considering it comes with every Wii for free, and it is a very mediocre game to boot...).
elend! is there no stopping you!?
Two amazing posts in one day...
Segata sent you didn't he...
Fabulous stuff!! I'm going to learn German...
Ross: Haha wow! That truly is amazing. :D
Father: Heh, well... now it's time for paperless news. No more flyers, brochures or whatnot for a couple of days.
You. Are. GOD!!!
Ok, Segata is God, but you're close enough.
I fear the little German I learned from listening to Rammstein won't be enough to understand it, but hey, I'll just look at the pretty pictures =D
(bows in front of Elend's glory)
Amazing! You did it again and err... thanks! Love those retro PDFs, especially when sporting such silly manager-produced promotional mistakes.
Got to agree on Foxit too!
Forgot to mention Foxit, I can't tell how many times my PC temporarily froze because of Abrobat Reader...
Danke elend! :D
Thanks for this additional post. im impressed by your hard work and thinking. Wish to see more posts in future.
Deana from Brochure Design Services.
The brochure is really very creative. The images are so good.
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