In my YouTube searches I stumbled upon this recently uploaded gem. Is thing thing for real?! I have never seen one before!
If anybody has any information on this, outside of it being from Sega Toys and made in 1998, let me know in the comments section!
12/20 Edit: I've finally bought the holy grail of Saturn games! What? No, not Pants Or Dragon Sega or whatever it is. I'm talking about SEGATA SANSHIROU SHINKENYUGI!!!

$35 on ebay, shipped from a state away. Worth the price?
OMFG I want that!
a half hour of google searching has brought me nothing but the doll that we've seen before.
Hehe, I always wanted one of those. I gotta buy them very soon. The thing is... they are not rare at all. There are plenty of them on Yahoo Auctions:
With approx. 10 bucks they are not too expensive either. Try your luck.
Cool! How does one navigate this as a non-Japanese speaker? Is there a walkthrough?
Update: Hey congratulations on your Shinkenyugi purchase. It's - imho - a very nice game and very playable if you have some mates around your house. Very funny!
Thanks! Just got Shinkenyugi today (along with a Yukawa cell phone charm), the game is a blast! Cheesy, but very funny.
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