I really love Halloween. The people on that side of the pond really know how to celebrate it well but we in the UK with our stiff upper lips and British reserve never celebrated it properly. Even though like most things, we invented it.
I aim to eradicate that fact. My house will be decorated up to the max. I'll be scaring kids shitless in the up-coming Halloween festivities and obligatory FK scary story telling. I might even throw out a few sweets to the little beggars. But to all of you out there, enjoy Halloween, it's well worth celebrating in it's Pagan way.
I dread to think what will happen to any of the kids in Caleb's neighbourhood if he's bee playing D2 and has the chainsaw at the ready... But that's another story...
Until then enjoy HOTD as a fore runner to this special occasion, and we'll see what comes back! Happy Halloween!
After the..."incident" last year I get very few trick or treaters at my door.
...no really, I live out in the sticks so nobody ever comes out to the house...
(and lives to tell about it anyway...)
(considers visiting Caleb)
Hallowhat Father? Never heard of it ;P
Ah! What a night it was, got the kids playing HOTD on the Saturn as part of the festivities...
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