Wow! I was dreaming about a website that always streamed classic music from Sega games. A place that not only celebrated Sega's greatness but also allowed us mere mortals to listen to some of Sega's musical triumphs...
Constantly streaming the scores of Shenmue, NiGHTS, Sonic, Jet Set Radio and so on... And all we had to do was to click on a link and we could hear it all... Even that naff song by the Offspring that plays on a loop on Crazy Taxi? (Oh alright I love it!)
But that's too good to be true isn't it? That's just a dream, right?
Well it's not, it's a reality! For not only does the wonderful radioSEGA constantly provide us with all our usual Sega Musical Favourites, but it also hosts some of the best damned Sega themed forums on the internet! A forum where people regularly chat about the Saturn!!!!! *FK begins to become firm... COUGH!!*

I know your dying to check it out so either check out it's inclusion on the "Friends Of The Saturn Junkyard" on the sidebar, or nip up to the lovely little banner at the top of the page and it'll whisk you right there...

Or you could always just click on the link here...
I'm already listening to it! So far they only played music from games I've never played, but I hope to listen to some classic Saturn or Dreamcast tunes soon.
By the way, Jet Set Radio's soundtrack is so god-damn good that I actually have it on my music collection.
Ah the glories of online radio... Great find Father!
Jet Set!?!
.:'stop the rock, can't stop the rock':.
Most def. very awesome.
Hex! Why don't we see more of you! glad you're here and thank you for the comment!
Are you enjoying radioSEGA? I know I am!
I am totally enjoying radioSEGA!!! My RSS feed doesn't seem to be functioning properly... It seems that I only get to see one of every five posts!! That and college has been kicking my butt... finals = ow.
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