Apparently so, according to this
Joystiq article. For now it's only a rumour, but it's a strong one. I certainly wouldn't mind, specially if they add some bonus stuff, but I have to admit this is a rather strange move. Why not port HofD 4 instead? I bet fans would love that, since so far it's the only arcade-exclusive game in the series.

Anyway, better than nothing, I guess...
House of the Dead 1 2 AND 3 might be cool.
Plus bonus stuff.
It's been confirmed by Sega as "House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return". Shame they couldn't stick the first one in and make it a trilogy, as the first hasn't got a arcade perfect port yet (the Saturn one wasn't bad, but the loading times mid level and bad textures killed it). As for HOTD4, they'd have to cut that down quite a lot as it runs on hardware simular to the 360.
Still, that's great news and I'm getting the feeling we're experiencing a Wii-fueled light-gun shooters rebirth. Great!
Thanks for the tip Nebachadnezzar!
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