Now I'll be honest with you, my most sacred of my bretheren, all of you who hold Segata's secrets most cherished to their hearts! I have never seen anything so 'fantabulous' as the above creation! For there is one devotee, one acolyte, one high priest, by the name of Elend that has produced an item of clothing that goes beyond the Elvis wig and usual Judo suit...
For HE in his infinite wisdom, has produced a most excellent piece of 'haute couture', the Segata Sanshiro t-shirt!
Bask in it's glory! Offer prayers to it's magnificence! For it is the 'body draping' tribute to our esteemed leader!
The Segata Sanshiro t-shirt! We welcome Elend in all his glory! Behold! Enjoy and plague him for new editions of this piece of sartorial elogence! (Can mine be a special black edition XXX fit for the larger gentleman?)
All hail Elend and his particular site www.andersdenkend.com/zwischenraum/Segata_Sanshiro_T-Shirt.rar
Give thanks to Segata and pray this comes our way!
Wow! Fan-fucking-tastic! It's a better creation than my Segata Magic trading card xD
Amazing, Elend :)
The overall design, the attention to detail...it's just awesome.
I specially like the banner on the front with Segata Sanshiro written in katakana.
We are thinking about a re-print. Unfortunately they were quite expensive because of the 3 colors print, which also exceeds the maximum size, which can be printed in one go. One Shirt was approx. 30 USD.
I dunno if a black edition will be possible. Grab your photoshop and invert that Segata Sanshiro illustration so that it's white. You won't recognize much of him after that anymore! :/
XXL is no problem, tho.
A must have for each cult member methinks. Could the reprint include robes (with hoods obviously) too?
Top stuff!
So is the link the actual files for the shirt? 'Cause it's a .rar file.
In the .rar archive there are some more pictures of it. Like the 2 shown above. I can also provide you the original vektor files of Segata Sanshiro for further usage, if you want. They are .ai (Adobe Illustrator).
Wow, that is fantastic.
If you do actually do a reprint where can I find out when you're doing them? I'd love one!
You'll hear it here first, when we re-print it. :D
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