It's Christmas Eve and Krishna Towers is bedecked in Festive finery, the Ginger's stockings are hung up by the fire, awaiting Segata (sorry Santa) to arrive. I'll be enjoying a game of Christmas NiGHTs before bedtime, and be enjoying a lovely game of Sega Rally Revo tomorrow!

Just to say a very Merry Christmas to all our lovely contributors and commentors and all the best for 2008, which I know is going to be a very special one for the Saturn Junkyard! To celebrate the season, I've given you all another chance to see our leader scaring the shit out of load of Japanese children on Christmas day! Enjoy!
Merry christmas to you all. I'll celebrate it with a little game of "Segata Sanshiro Shinken Yugi" aka the Segata Sanshiro game.
I think I'll do the same elend!! Too bad I only have it on an emulator though.
Good choice elend! Might just root it out meself!
Well emulations better than nothing dear Nick! At least you can bask in Segata's glory!
Merry Christmas FatherK! :D
And a Happy New Year too everyone!
(hugs the fatherly figure and commands the crows to bring in the wine and dancers)
Well, applause for Segata and nasty glares for the thin, scantily-clad woman.
Happy Christmas, all!
Sorry about the scantily-clad woman Hex! I forget sometimes that we're hitting a female demographic... Please enlighten me on your preferances and I'll endeavour to be inclusive...
I love that babes picture xD
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