For those of you, who like me, were bowled over by the most wondrous Segata Sanshiro t-shirts produced by Elend, you'll need to see more of his work. Some of you less eagle eyed readers may have failed to notice the lovely little link in the cbox. It's to this lovely place...
And here you'll find all manner of visual gorgeousity, like the ones above! I'm now making a public request to Mr. Elend, to commission a piece of "Saturn Junkyard art" to celebrate a year of this particular little blog... You would of course be immediately awarded the Segata Sanshiro Order Of Merit the highest award our humble cult can bestow...

Could you do us a piece Elend, pleeeeaaaase? We've already had the 'Warholesque' portrait of Segata and remixed Segata theme tune courtesy of Random J. Your's could be the next masterpiece displayed on the 'Yard, let us know what you think... ;)

I just love pop art, and here we have SEGA POP ART!!! It's lovely!! Good find!
Heh well thanks. Sure I could come up with something. What kind of artwork do you need / want? Any size restrictions?
Hi Hex! i'm a great lover of Pop Art too! And yes! Saturn Pop Art is perhaps the epitome of everything I could hope for!
Mr. Elend! (Herr Elend!) Anything you would be prepared to do for this humble little blog would be massively and hugely appreciated!
As stated before, my technical/ICT knowledge is a tad limited, so I know nothing of size restrictions...
It took me a while to convert the Segata t-shirt shots into something I could post...
But anything you could do for us over here would be vastly appreciated!
Did you read the earlier replies? We're looking for you to be a bonafide contributor to this site Mr. Elend! Part of the SJY team! I'm excited at the prospect!
respond as soon as you get this message!
And thank you a thousand times!
Testing my new account... 1..2..3!
OOOHHH!! Nice Avatar! Good to have you aboard!
Hehe yeah, I love that pic of Segata Sanshiro. :D
Looks like you're now an official contributor to the yard. Welcome aboard! ;)
I'm speechless...
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