Having applied for hosting at Gamespy.com, I may have done something that may threaten our current existence! My intention was to bring the site to a wider audience, but having received the following message, I realise that I may have threatened the existence of the SJY as we know it!
Here's the mesage....
"Over the next few days, DNS servers all across the Internet willupdate themselves with your new site name. Once that happens, you will be able to access your site at its permanent address, fatherkrishna.classicgaming.gamespy.com."
Anyone know what that means? Will we still be able to access the site at the current address?
I'll be horrified if I've messed up at all and caused the downfall of our favourite haven...
Reassure me my brothers! PLEASE!!!
Relax Father, in the worst case we just rebuild the Junkyard. Yeah, it would be a shit-load of work, but I ain't letting this site die.
Anyway, I really don't know what the fuck they mean with that. With the Junkyard being hosted on blogger they can't possibly interfere with it, can they?
With "permanent address" I think (I hope) they're just talking about that domain you've registered being permanent, not about it being the only address of the Yard.
Let's wait for a more insightful opinion...
I wonder why they went for "fatherkrishna.classicgaming.gamespy.com". A "Saturn Junkyard" instead of Fatherkrishna would have been much more useful, imho.
Anyways, whatever they do, you'll always be able to register a .com domain and reroute it to the classicgaming adress. I am not yet sure, what's going on there and what you wanted to actually do, but I doubt it'll be the end of the world.
Thank you my dear friends, I feel better now... I was simply trying to spread the word via the might of IGN... there is a chance that we will be able to build on our current status, as we get free hosting, tech support and all manner of goodies that blogger cannot offer... I'll send you the details via email if you like...
Still the last thing I wanted to do was ina nay way jeopardise what we all have going on here...
And the Krishna URL was not some ego trip on my part, I was bestowed it without any say...
This is OUR site, not mine, and as far as I'm concerned it always will be! let's see how things pan out...
Eww... GameSpy?! This site's gonna be clogged with advertising from now on. Are you sure you really want that?
Thanks for that fredy! I'm not sure whether we'll ever be fully hosted by Gamespy 'cos it looks like far more of a technical bit of shennanigans than I'd bargained for!
And you all know how limited my tech knowledge is... LOL! So it looks like it's business as usual!
Maybe we can work out a deal for me to host you (maybe with your own domain). Email and we can discuss :)
Yep, apparently it is business as usual. Phew...
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