It features quite an interesting and detailed list of games for the Saturn. I didn't know that in 1999 there still were 16 games released. Other than that, the site features some neat little graphics, nice yet tiny pictures of a grey Saturn as well as a peripheral listing. It's nothing special, really, but maybe some people of you never had a look at the japanese homepage of the console, we all love so much.
A great find dear elend! Though it looks quite resplendent in all it's Japanese glory (I love Japanese text...) How did you find out what it says? (particularly about the 1999 games releases...) I'm intrigued!
Oh! If you click around a bit and have a look at this page http://sega.jp/archive/segahard/ss/soft_licensee1.html in particular you can see which games have been released. The navigation for the years is above the table.
I still need that weird collection of Datingsims, which is officially the last commercial game for the Sega Saturn.
Who'd have bloody thought! Amazing find elend, and you say "it's nothing special"? Dear, dear...
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