Or at least it looks like it. If everything went well, by now Father Krishna is taking sunbaths in the beautiful (or so I hear, never been there myself) beaches of Cyprus. Being the best man at a friends wedding sure as its advantages, like spending a week in a lovely Mediterranean island. Hope that you have a great time and try to pass by gnome's place when you come back, it's relatively close xD

On the other hand our dear contributor elend should be already in Japan! That's right folks, most Saturn fans (or gamers in general) dream about going to that hallowed land but few of us actually go ahead and do it (I plan on going there, someday...). Elend is one of those rare cases, taking his Saturn passion to a whole new level by visiting the country where it was made and, hopefully, bringing a lot of Saturn stuff back! Elend, may you have a great time there and don't forget those photos! I wanna see what it's like over there :)
As for me, well, I'm not going anywhere... I rarely do, actually, only left the country once and I didn't go far, just "next door", to the lovely city of Salamanca, Spain (here I am with my buddies, I'm the guy in the middle). But no problem, right now I'm happy to be at home with my Saturn, and hopefully soon I will have a new toy to play with, for I just scored a Sega Saturn Arcade Stick! Yeah!

Been looking for one of those for quite some time, but the fuckers, like everything else that is game-related, always reach outrageous prices in the Portuguese 2nd hand market, so I was more than happy when I finally scored one for 15€, postage included. That might look average, or even pricey for our American or English friends, but trust me, over here they easily reach 30€, so this deal was gold. Hope that it works well. By the way, anyone have a suggestion for the first game I should try the arcade stick with?
Hello there! I am already in Japan. It's our third day here and we mostly drank much beer with cool Videogame business people. I still have to buy some boxed Sega Saturns. We visited www.superpotato.com but it's rather expensive. Bought some cheapie games, though and a Sega Fan magazine. Still need to buy some real rare or cool stuff. I hope we'll find some more retrogame shops. Wish me luck, I may write again.
PS: The toilets are just awesome here.
Glad to hear that everything's going fine for you. Have you met anyone famous yet? Say, Yu Suzuki for example... :D
"The toilets are just awesome here."
Oh, I bet they are :D
What a lovely post! Thank you Nebacha! I actually read it abroad on my friends mobile phone, but was unable to reply till now!
Well the trip was very pleasurable indeed, Cyprus a beautiful and historic place, it was lovely to escape the British winter for a week, and the wedding was excellent. I Intend to post a little more about it over at Father K's Wiikly Sermons at some point. (The toilet's in Cyprus were most definitely un-excellent I might add...LOL!)
I'm glad dear elend's trip is also going well, and he's having a good time in the land of the rising Saturn. I must admit I'm a tad jealous!
Lovely to see a picture of you dear nuno! I always like to put a face to a name! If you ever want to spread your wings and visit the UK you'd be a welcome guest in the Krishna household any time!
Now, what game to play with that lovely Arcade Stick... Street Fighter Alpha? X Men Children Of The Atom? Whatever delights you enjoy, please share them with us soon!
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