I found this lovely IN BOX 3D controller in a random flea market store on main street in the city I just moved to. This was actually in the storage room in the back. I asked the owner if they had any other video games stuff.
There are not that many thrift stores, pawn shops, flea markets or such around here. I am glad I can still find Sega stuff though.

The box is a bit beat up, but it's still a box...

Wow! Now THAT is a shiny new Saturn controller plug!
It also came with a bunch of promotions for Saturn games.

Wow, now that's great! There were around 30 new ones (factory sealed) on ebay.de but finding something like that in the wild is really cool. :D
I don't know whether to pop a champagne cork on your behalf, or cry bitter tears of jealousy.
I still don't have that controller and you have a brand new shiny one...
OK, champagne it is then...
Lovely pics too!
Oh my, Father! Buy a cheap one on ebay. They are really great. Much better than the DC one, because of the D-Pad. Hehe.
Oh I have a one too ^^ It came along with Nights Into Dreams.
A fantastic catch!
great stuff i found one of these on amazon for 10 bucks, really easy to play woth ;P
Nice catch! Someday I'll grab one too, but right now I'm so broke that I can't even think of buying new Saturn stuff...
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