Right! I've come to the point where I'm telling myself enough is enough. I have recently bought a shed load of games for the Saturn and have loads more that need playing and reviewing. I could carry on purchasing more games, but what's the point of buying games which remain unplayed or unnapreciated?
In fact, I've not even touched my Saturn for over a week. Instead I've been playing the most excellent Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 and loving every minute of it. This comes literally days after me slagging off the whole franchise on this very site, after buying and playing the original Resident Evil for the Saturn. I must have given it all of five minutes before I decided that was crap, and then went on to write off every version of Resident Evil ever made.
On a whim last week though, I decided to offload some old and unplayed PS2 games along with some Dreamcast titles that I had multiple copies of. I went of course, to the hallowed Gamestation where my trade in value came up to £34. I knew there was a copy of Virtua Fighter 4, which my blogging buddy, Ross had reccomended on his excellent Pro Gamer website.
It was part of a 'two for £20' deal, so to keep up with the 'retro-upgrade' feel, I coupled it with 'Outrun 2006'...Nice! Both games had excellent reviews so I knew I had two assured results...
Now... What to do with the surplus £14?
Hmmm... RE4? I'd seen it before and been impressed with the nice packaging (collectors edition tin)... Game 'sage' J had posted a nice video on the making of this game in his Corner Of Randomness (a nice site on Gaming, music and all manner of stuff). I'd seen review after review stating it's brilliance and giving it an average of 9-ish+... But it was Resident Evil... and I don't like Resident Evil do I?
However, I bought the damn thing as I couldn't think of anything else I wanted. I played VF4 and loved it. Having played the Saturn almost exclusively for a month, the graphics seemed sumptuous and rich. I loved the continuity of the gameplay from the other VF titles and liked the new characters. Score!
Outrun 2006 is a lovely update of the original, a lovely arcade blast that can be played in short spurts like VF4, so another result!

Somewhat grudgingly I tried out RE4... and it was love at first bite. Again the luscious graphics were a winner from the outset, but it was the gameplay and different scenario to the previous titles, that had me sucked in from the start.

Anyway, that was about a week ago and I've been playing as often as work, married life and fatherhood allow... it's been my most gratifying gaming experience since Shenmue (my favourite game of all time) and i should have it nailed shortly...

However, playing through a game properly to it's conclusion has made me stop and think about the HUGE backlog of unplayed, unfinished and unexplored games I have for a variety of systems. These need to be either played or traded, and as gaming is my only vice in 2007 (my year of sobriety) now is the ideal time to do it.
When I've cleared a significant portion of the literally hundreds of games I've already got, I might reward myself with a 360 or Wii. It's gonna be a while though...
Why is May the magical month when my self-imposed ban comes to an end? Well for one reason, it gives me a few months to play through and number two is I'm 40 in that particular month, so I guess I can have whatever I want...
However, to stock up on a few goodies before February rolls around and the ban kicks in, I've bid on a Saturn steering wheel and joy-stick on eBay and ordered new Dreamcast game "Last Hope" off Play Asia.

Plus I've got four new pieces of Dreamcast software to play on, which will be featured on the DCJY soon, a couple of Game Gear games, a Saturn game which I'll tell you about in due course and...

This!! the second most I've ever paid for a Saturn game... (about £24 off eBay) Yes that's right Segata Sanshiro...the game!!!!!!

Halle-fucking-lujah!!!!!! Officially titled "Segata Sanshiro Shinken Yugi" It's a collection of mini-games featuring the great man himself. Plus there's a selection of the great commercials that I've been 'treating' you to over the past few days...
Now, me Elderly and Gnome are currently embroiled in a Segata Sanshiro Cult seige in Waco, Texas. As such it's been rather difficult to get this post out. However, if you'd like to join, sign up below... Cult members will get a Judo suit, Elvis wig and semi-automatic.

You do have to give up your life for Segata Sanshiro (literally) but let's face it... We all want to do that anyway don't we? Anyway, got to go, an incendiary grenade has just popped through the window...