Oh prepare the street parties, deck the halls, trumpet the fanfairs, prepare the fireworks and break out the bubbly!!!! For today dear readers is the most fabulous of days!!! They Tyrant is dead, the Mansion destroyed, foxy Jill Valentine is safely in the chopper with Brad and Barry and for now (at least) the Evil Umbrella corporation is defeated! Yes for those of you unfamiliar with my love/hate relationship with Resident Evil Deadly Silence, read on...
This was the game that made me fall in love with the DS. It made me realise what a powerful and dynamic system it was... It also was a game which I found maddeningly difficult, ball achingly frustrated with it's impossibly stingy weapon and save systems, and a game which I eventually traded for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney. But something made me buy it again and I'm so glad I did...
Hi folks. Its been a while now since I posted anything decent, I'm well aware of that tragic fact. Trust bloody work to get in the way of blogging! Harumph! By way of a stop gap, I've decided to cheaply post a bit of video. Lame I know, but this particular video shows erstwhile Saturn users how they can play CDRs without modding or chipping their lovely consoles... And I don't need any excuse to show the lovely white Saturn that I crave so much... One day maybe, one day...