Thursday 11 January 2007

eBay Treasure Trove - Kit yourself out with a Saturn today!

Well after the euphoria of learning to post videos (although my limited skills still prevent me from encapsulating them within a full blog - screenshots, photos links et-al), I decided I needed to take a break and write a post that was video free. Whilst avoiding work at school today, I secreted myself out of the way and decided to check out just exactly what was available for the Saturn on eBay and how much it would cost.

At the hallowed Gamestation, you can pick up a Saturn with a couple of decent games for under £30. Under £30... That's a very decent console and two games for the price of a 360 or Wii game. And it's worth remembering that such excellent titles as Sega Rally, Clockwork Knight, Sega Worldwide Soccer, Fighting Vipers, Virtua Fighter and Virtua Cop retail for about £2.99 a pop! (or cheaper!)

On checking out eBay it seems that you might have to fork out a little more (or less) depending on the beauty and rarity of items you were bidding for... Let's have a 'look-see' shall we?

How about this? A rare Japanese, NSTC, limited edition White Sega Saturn, never been used, with all it's original packaging... Beautiful isn't it? Would I love to own it? Fuck yes! Would I pay the "BUY NOW!" asking price of £220? FUCK NO! There's Saturn love and then there's being taken for a mug... I only payed a pricey £100 for my beloved Treamcast and that's a frankly far rarer console... See my recent article on the excellent Gnome's Gaming On The

Onto the next item...

With a current bid of £31 and £15 postage, here is an equally rare and equally beautiful, see-through 'skeleton' edition Japanese Saturn. Now there's no garantee that the bid will remain at this price but it strikes me that we're hitting a more realistic price range. Now like a love-lorn stalker, I'll be watching this item. I won't be buying it... (For the same reason I won't be buying a Wii, because my household has reached 'console quantity tolerance vs. possible divorce proceedings' if you get my drift...), but if it goes for that as it's selling price, I'll be crying bitter tears into my pillow that night...*Cough!*

Now we're talking...

O.K, we're approaching the clam-like spending potential of Father Krishna... Want that beautiful White Saturn, but are too impoverished to buy one? Well you can live the dream with this white Saturn pad, for the bargain-tastic price of £2.95 with £3 postage!! Awlright!! If you've got the self-discipline to keep your eyes trained on your pad and T.V. screen, without glancing at your console, you could pretend you had that Japanese Saturn you'd always dreamed of... What do you mean that's fucking stupid? Well it works for me you bunch of c--ts! *Harumph!!!*


Just when you thought you'd never get your hands on that elusive "ultra rare" White Saturn, it turns out they are so "rare" that there's another one for sale on the same list, with the current price of £50... and this one's got a nice little selection of games to go with it... HMMM???

So, dear readers, I guess it pay's to shop around doesn't it? Now again £50 is the current bid and there is no garantee that it will stay that low... But I'm willing to bet that the final sale price will be less than the fucking scam-tastic £220, that we first looked at... O.K. lets get back to that cheapo zone in which I always feel more comfortable....

Sega Saturn Memory Card!

Now actually these little babies are quite rare... Particularly for the price of £2.99 plus postage and packing. One of the frustrations of playing games on my Saturn in the 90's was that I could never save 'em. Now I've got two, which also act as converters so I can play my Japanese import titles...

Obviously it would be advantageous to own a Saturn before you bought it, but the way I figure, it's only the price of a pint, and if you bought it, you might feel compelled to buy a Saturn, and my mission in life to place all Saturns in the homes of loving retro console owners, would be one step closre to becoming a reality. Go on buy it. Go on. Please. Look just fucking buy it !!!

Sorry about that I just got carried away...*cough!*


What about trying to score a bargain bundle? This is quite a nice little package... console, two pads, including a nice "3D" pad, light gun, scart lead, some great games, including Sega Rally, Nights Into Dreams, Panzer Dragoon and so on. This little package is still currently bidding at £24 plus £8 postage... I'm not the best eBay buyer in the world, but I know other people are adept at it. If someone snagged this lot at it's current price they would have scored big time!

Nice Bundle 2

Now look at this lot! Again a great package, including something I've never even seen in 'real life' before... The fabled Sega Saturn Official Steering Wheel... Now up until now, I thought these babies were like the Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster... The stuff of legend, of elusive dreams... But now photographic evidence has confirmed they really exist!!! Cripes! Heck! Blimey!

I can't even remember what the price was for this little package, but it was under £50 when I looked. Remember, all these items were up for grabs at the time of posting... look around you might find better! A nice feature of this bundle are the boxes... they make a purchase of a Retro console feel like new, particularly if things like mannuals and original packaging are in-tact. If you buy a Saturn without any of the manuals, there is a fairly useful printable tech-spec here...

Rip off!

Now whilst I like to have boxes with my stuff (and was thrilled to find a battered Saturn box under the stairs at my mums the other day...), but a box on it's own seems to be a bit of a shitty buy.

Some joker is trying to sell this box on eBay... Whilst the starting price is only 99p, the fucker wants £4.99 postage for an EMPTY FUCKING BOX! What kind of knobhead would pay that?

Any way, I've got to go now, I need to see if I've got 99p plus £4.99 in my Paypal account...

Now I'm a bit self-critical at times, so if this post has been a complete waste of my readers time, please let me compensate you with a glimpse of the lovely Mylene Class, classical pianist, ex-Hearsay band member and Celebtiry Jungle Bikini Showerer... Enjoy!


Junlee said...

Would you slap me if I said I've never played a Sega Saturn?


fatherkrishna said...

No I'd hug you warmly, shed a tear of sorrow, then rush round to the nearsest thrift store and buy you one....
That's like saying would you slap me if I told you Santa had never visited my house... :)

gnome said...

Another excellent post father krishna, but I managed to fight of the capitalistic demons that tried to turn my (pathetically few) euros into more consles... Still, you could run such an article every month or so.. It'd be quite amazing, really...

By the way, the full URL for the Treamcast post at GGOG is:

Junlee said...

lol, ok good!

Unknown said...

quite a class bundle on offer..... (averts gaze from Mylene)

and quite an excellent post, any chance the rare white one was spray painted?

(focusses back on mylene.....)

fatherkrishna said...

No but Mylene was... spray painted with my lustful gaze... Erm... Don't quite what that means...
*FK slopes quietly out of the roomm...*

Unknown said...

(elderly continues to stare at the pendant......)