Monday 2 February 2009

Has Christmas come early?

As you are no doubt aware (if you live in the UK), there is an "extreme weather event" at the moment. i.e. shitloads of snow. It's great. I was stuck in York all morning because the Pennines resembled Antarctica.

Even more extreme or should I say "x-treme" is the beta I currently have sat on my desk.

A little taste of what's going to come in Saturnalia. I've got some good stuff coming your way. A real trip through memory lane, with some new games that I bet you've not played (I have 420 Saturn Games). I might well even try to get a go on them all, and review them in turn. Ouch. Anyway, stay tuned. It's just started, but it's going to be great.


NebachadnezzaR said...

The weather event over here is different, i.e. shitloads of rain. It's great...when you're inside...

Anyway, I see you've treated yourself to some Sonic X-Treme beta! Good for you, good for you. I have that one too. In fact, if you dig around the Yard you can find this little gem of a post:

Yes, that's me in the vid :D

Anonymous said...

Great galloping hedgehogs...420 Saturn games!


Tom Charnock said...

Surely that's not a real copy of Sonic Xtreme, is it? Come on Martin - are you telling porky pies...?!

elend said...

Wasn't there a beta which has been released? Or at least... something like an alpha? Anyway... post your thoughts then, once you've played it. :D

Random J said...

*LOL* @ the 'official disc'