When you watch Episodes 16 and 17 of the Anime "Bamboo Blade", then you'll spot this lovely image of a Sega Saturn there. Yes, it's the animated version of the "Bamboo Blade" Manga I recently reported about in this blog. I still don't know the context, in which the Sega Saturn is displayed, but everyone interested can now download the proper episodes. I wonder what that stuff on the Saturn is. Probably some presents. Well anyway, here's the
original site, which posted the image. You can find some more informations there. In japanese that is.
Stunning dear Elend! Literally stunning!
Why there's nothing better than seeing respect for the Saturn in the various media that shows it's enduring love...
I got so excited about it appearing on a can of Fanta a few weeks ago...
Top marks my friend!
I bet the Yard is one of the few, if not the only place on the web with so many reported Saturn sights in the most varied forms of media. Top find, Elend :)
Oddly enough I've just spotted another Saturn in anime myself! Remember my "Saturn in Evangelion" post? Right now I'm watching the entire series again (for, like the 5th time or something) and I just spotted another Saturn, more specifically in episode 6. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, I wasn't able to take a screenshot (the part of my desktop displaying the video didn't appear, maybe it has something to do with the codecs of the video or something), but trust me, it's there.
Oh! You've got to turn off the "hardware acceleration" in your videoplayer. Then it should work with taking screenshots.
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