I have decided to rate some of these games playability for people who cannot speak nor read Japanese.
First on the list? Deep Fear.

I have heard that the Japanese version of Deep Fear has a ton of English language text in it and the voice acting is in English as well.
But is it fully playable? Are some of the puzzles going to be impossible without a firm grasp of Kanji?
Stay tuned and find out.
Awesome idea for a series of articles. I always want certain JP games but shy away when they're text heavy.
Btw, the Saturn game Pandemonium! hit the iPhone today. I have a small article about it at my blog (click my username to check it out). I hope to review it and some Sega iPhone games soon.
Dammit I really need to find a copy of that game someday.
I started looking at some vids/reviews of this one. I never knew about this game. It looks pretty decent. I might have to grab a copy off ebay.
Great game. Fully playable. I remember completing it back in the day.
I like Deep Fear quite much. I played the EUR version, yet it should be quite playable in japanese as well. You do have every voice dubbed in english, but all onscreen text is japanese. So you sometimes don't know, what you just picked up or where you should head to next. Yet it's doable with a little try and error.
I really loved that underwater fee, which reminded me about that movie "The Abyss", which was very great, too. :D They also produced some very great looking CGI cutscenes for Deep Fear. And the music just rocks.
Pandemonium is by far the best platformer on the Saturn, better IMHO than NiGHTs or Rayman.
As for Deep Fear, I like the sound of it!
Yet, the english voice overs are hideous. Without these, it would have been even more immersive.
Yes, it is fully playable and it is one of the best games on the Saturn. A great experience.
if you want to check out the game deep fear check out channel strictlysega on you tube, we covered it back in the beginning of the third season.. its very playable
diddnt quite catch that.. my computer isnt set to read anything but english styled languages..
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