Sunday 1 August 2010

Oh btw! My collection.

So I was moving into a much smaller apartment, which meant that I had to "outsource" my Saturn collection. Which is quite a pity, but who can display all those Saturns properly anyway. I'd need a single room for that. So I bought two Ikea billy shelfs and put everything in there.

The right shelf is exclusively full of Saturn hardware, namely Saturns and periphery, whilst the left shelf features all my Saturn games (PAL, some US and a lot of JP), special editions and also random crap from my household like a complete run of Amiga Joker magazines. Oh and PSX games as well.


Anonymous said...

Oh, god. That collection is awesome. Few more years of college and I'll finally start collecting video game stuff without worrying of overspending my money on them and then dying of starvation.

Eyz said...

Wow!! Impressive collection!
That's quite epic!

Barry the Nomad said...

Awesome collection, especially in the consoles department!

Don't you just love those Ikea shelves? :D

AM2Model3 said...

awesome collection! = )

Ujn Hunter said...

Looks good! I wish those Billy shelves were deeper than 11" :(

elend said...

Hehe yeah, you gotta love those shelves. They could be a bit deeper indeed, though.

There's still a lot of Saturn stuff missing and sometimes I am wondering... why I am doing this. It's so much money and of nearly no use at all. :/

Barry the Nomad said...

I've got this triple billy shelf going on:

Far left is books, comics and some 90's Sonic items. Middle are movies and tv shows. Right are game cartoons (Sonic, Power Stone), anime, Sega CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, XBOX, 360, PS1, PS2 and misc. Genesis accessories.

Shelves must have cost under $100 total.

I'm thinking we need a "show us your shelves!" article.

elend said...

Hey, that looks very slick, barry.

The Plushiest said...

I am humbled......

Greg said...

Best picture EVER!

fatherkrishna said...

Holy crap Elend that's a fucking beautiful sight!