Tuesday 10 April 2007

A Gnome's NiGHTS into Dreams

Ah, well, here I am, a lowly gnome that's never even touched a Saturn, posting on the Saturn Junkyard, obviously trying to be as relevant as possible. That's why I followed the easy route. I googled and YouTubed NiGHTS into Dreams, the Saturn's best known game and one that will sort of reappear on the Wii. Anyway, what I found is the gameplay video you can see above, a fine Wikipedia entry and a lovely unofficial fansite. Uhm...that's it. Enjoy if you can.


Unknown said...

..it's gnome.. but .. your here...
(checks blog addy..)

it's gnome... hiya Gnome...!

(elderly waves his hand wildly...)

that video reminds me of a weekend i may, or may not have spent in Wales.....

fatherkrishna said...

Hurrah!!! Gnome on the Saturn Junkyard! And what a lovely video! I've never seen Elliot flying, only NiGHTS. Wow his first post and he makes it so special.

Gnome! I want to buy you a Saturn and send it to Greece, it could be done...

fatherkrishna said...

You see? Gnomes can only make things better... That's why people buy concrete ones to put in their gardens! But in fact if you get one on your website, it makes everything fantastic!

So... How do we teleport you a Saturn K? Do some magic and make it happen...

gnome said...

(waves back at elderly)

Must have been one heck of a weekend. Wales, huh? Sounds populare these days...

Now, dear Father, that's a more than touching gesture, but I'll have to fix me teleporter I guess...A Saturn though. Definitely worth it...

Unknown said...

ok ever who made that game was on some good drugs....
... and the wii needs some more original wii only games!!

Nice post Gnome!

Random J said...

This game will work brilliantly on Wii because of the controls. Sega originally planned to develop a NiGHTS game for DreamCast, along with a special tilt sensitive controller - but it got scrapped. It's speculated this is how Samba de Amigo was born. *shrugs*

I liked the original game on Saturn. It was fun and different, if a little easy. The Christmas NiGHTS game was a cool little bonus too for Saturn owners. My friend got a copy of it with the official Sega Saturn mag and played it to absolute death!

Unknown said...

you have to buy concrete Gnomes..??


Unknown said...

...well i feel much happier now, all the gnomes are back home... kinda lonely here without em....

gnome said...

I could bring some PVC gnomes ya know. Or those beautiful garden ones that sort of shine...