Wednesday 5 October 2011

Guardian Heroes Avatar Items Hit XBOX Live!

Sure, sure. People moan about pay-to-"wear" XBOX avatar items, but secretly they love them and occasionally buy one but claim they got it through a promo code or pre-order incentive. Well here is one set of avatar gear that you don't have to be embarrassed about buying: Guardian Heroes avatar items! Dress as any of the main characters, keep Nando as a pet, dress as the undead OR sport an AWESOME SEGA Saturn logo t-shirt.

I picked up the shirt, using points from the XBOX reward program. It's pretty sweet, you take a survey each month and fulfill other tasks and in exchange you get free points. It's pocket change, but great for avatar items.


Caleb said...

Oh wow.

That is actually the first piece of Avatar clothing that I might actually consider buying.

Animated AF said...

I want this t-shirt, but in real life!