Hi folks! In a recent Saturn shocker, I've just found out that my recent bid for official Sega Saturn Magazine issue 26, with a free demo disc of Christmas Nights has been beaten by a measly 50p! I had made a top bid of £5.00, and then gone off for the weekend, full of hope!
However, on my return home I checked my eBay account, only to cry bitter tears as I discovered that some bastard had bid £5.50 and won!!! BAH!

Still, on a positive note, I did manage to secure issue 15 with free demo CD called 'Sega Flash' (Vol3) I think... For the princely sum of £2.39 no less! So all is not lost...
BTW, as there isn't much to this post,I thought I'd include a real picture of the Good Father, so you can finally put a human face to the patron of this particular blog... You've seen Caleb, NebachadnezzaR and now old FK... Here I am last Saturday in one of the arcades at my caravan site in Wales, posing ridiculously in the cab of my all time favourite driving game and Saturn stalwart, Sega Rally! If you're wondering about the gesture I'm rather rudely making, it's 'cos I'd just lost two games to my mate John, who is taking the picture... If you're wondering why I'm wearing shades inside, it's so I look like a bad ass! LOL!

I'll pictorially catalogue the wonderful selection of Sega arcade games on each successive visit I make. Oh well, I'll sign out and wish you a fond farewell! Oh, and in a bit of Wii news, I'm now online on my Wii and have just downloaded the Megadrive classic Comix Zone on the Virtual Console... But I'll need to chat about that over at 'the other place...' Good Night!
I see you FK! :D
Gangsta leaning with the shades on in the Sega rally ride.
Hi Father! Sorry for my absence, life is really trying to fuck me up, but not if I can call strutter direct first!
You, on the other hand, are looking great. Wearing shades inside, showing the finger...pure bad ass!
Oh, and I too have Sega Flash Vol 3. In fact I'm collecting this things! So far I already have vol 1, 2 and 3, but there's also 4 and 5.
Wow Father... you don't look that Fatherly, do you? :p
Mike Strutter can solve any of our personal problems Nuno! just ask and he'll be round with the bat...
What do you mean Gnome? Didn't your Father look like a slightly menacing bald headed gaming gangsta?
J! Spot on! But I'm a slightly softish Gangsta with lovely pacifist, Marxist, Taoist leanings... Do I qualify for your praise? LOL! :)
Well, uh, no, not really... Then again gangsta didn't exist back then... People were sort of hippies and in and out of jail (it was the dictatorship you see).
Ah yes of course... Probably a good thing that he was good hearted and hippyish... Gangsta dads probably aren't that good a thing...
Well, it depends apparently... Those with tons of consoles can't be that bad... ;)
Hurrah! :)
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