Thursday 8 March 2007

The game I am playing now (review soon)

Doesn't the main character look weird as hell with tanned skin and bright yellow hair?

WTF? How could he NOT know he was a hero in an action RPG?


Caleb said...

Oh yeah this is not a video of me playing. I never had time to dump my own gameplay video.

I just found this on youtube.

I have much more badass moves than this dude.

Oasis L33T S@turn skillz!!!!

Unknown said...

.. i never knew Oasis made a game....

fatherkrishna said...

Mr. Elderly! So nice to see you here on the new improved Saturn Junkyard! Not only are Oasis a band, but they also produce a refreshing soft drink and refreshing software.
So now you know!

gnome said...

On a mildly unrelated sidemote, let me say I've only managed to hear Oasis live once (thankfully without paying and after a decent Moby perfomance), and they were shockingly horrible... Still, this video's cute enough...

Caleb said...

The band Oasis consisted of brothers whose fights were actually much more violent then anything in this game.

LoO. Legend of Oasis. Not as violent as the band.

Unknown said...

...Oasis after moby.... not a combination i'd have put together even if i was high on blood pressure tablets....

gnome said...

Well, you're not one of the that organized Rockwave Festival back in '99 then... 't was quite atrocious. Thankfuly we managed to crash in without paying. Ah, youthly youth...

fatherkrishna said...

I saw Oasis a bunch of times, once after the Prodigy and they kick ass every time! but I think we're missing the point...

Another fine post Caleb!

Unknown said... can't see how we're missing the point...

(scratches head.... looks at Legend of oasis game.. looks at oasis comments......)

...they both have the word Oasis, well how else are we going to spend the time waiting for Caleb's review of the game.... i aint' falling asleep with mrs k on the prowl.. no sireeee... look what happened Gnomes finger.....

fatherkrishna said...

What did happen to Gnome's finger?

Hey Elderly, you don't need anything off Amazon or Play Asia do you?

Only since Retro Treasures started, Mrs. K has insisted I earn some extra revenue...

Or she' know....

Anonymous said...

....terrible really... Nrs K blamed him for my post.... CHOP! finger gone... course i can understand the woman... Gnome does look shifty....

i managed to run out the back door....

what will happen if you don't earn anything? Seamus was interested in a pair of ears.. but i can't seem to find either him or the ears since our last row....

fatherkrishna said...

If I don't earn anything I might have my bags packed and be replaced by a younger, more spend-thrift version...