Saturday 1 September 2007

Nights_ Journey of Dreams

Check out these trailers:

- Japanese trailer

- E3 2007 trailer


Guess now is a good time to have a Wii, ain't it , Father? ;)


gnome said...


It's slightly underwhlmig though, innit?

fatherkrishna said...

YES? I see nothing wrong with these trailers! We all knew what the original was like right?

So this is gonna be the original with the motion control the game was always crying out for...

I for one shall be purchasing it on the day of release...

Now if you don't mind I'm off to play with my dollies... Harumph!

Random J said...

This game looks lacklustre. Those videos could have easily been from the NiGHTS pinball section from Sonic adventure 1 and I wouldn't have known the difference.

I'm glad it's been delayed. Hopefully Sega can actually make it look good. They best not f**k this up, because I liked the original.

gnome said...

Well, and agreeing with dear J here Father, one has to admit the Wii is dozens of times more powerful than a Saturn and its games do cost a small fortune, so I ws thinking it might look a bit better...