I first heard about this holy grail of Saturns from the sage like Gnome, about a year ago.

When I saw it it was love at first sight. The shape, the colour, the contours, that cute little screen and the karaoke feature not to mention the highly coveted Sattelite Navigation System...

For ages, I've had a little reminder in my eBay account, that if one ever became available, they should let me know so I could buy it. Well today that email arrived and I looked in my piggy bank to collect all my worldly funds, in order to make said purchase...
The only problem was that at £2000, I was about £1980 short... Oh well, one day my friends, one day...

On a plus side, whilst visiting my old friend Mr. Kahn at Rusholme Consoles, where I had gone to pick up a couple of Dreamcast leads, I happened upon a lovely little package... A mini PS1 with flip-top Sony LCD screen, VCD adaptor and 5 games in boxed up mint condition for £95!
I played 'Area 51' on it and it was lovely!

I know £95 might seem a little steep, but I loved it... It was like an officially released Treamcast... I'll let you know whether I succumb to this temptation as the weeks and months go by...

Oh and BTW! For those of you who have always wondered what the good Father looks like (apart of course from my 'Hitman' persona,) check out my Simpsonized portrait! Do yourself at http://www.simpsonizeme.com/!
FK bought a PS1???? But what about the anti Sony rhetoric >:O
WHOAH! I didn't buy it Mikey! I simply looked at it, played on it and desired it... There has been some Sony product in the Krishna household continuously since the mid Nineties, when the kids bowed to peer pressure and requested a PS1 even though Dad had a Saturn.
We had a PS2 before I even owned a Dreamcast... As soon as I got one though I did become fiercely pro-Sega and anti-Sony...
Still, its a new world, what with Mario and Sonic teaming up, and Sega happily pumping out titles for Sony and Nintendo...
Maybe its time we spread a little love for all consoles? If not there is always UK Resistance (See sidebar for links!) ;-)
A great discovery Father and one I'll probably post today at Retro Treasures. BTW, do buy the PSOne thingy. It's sleek and not THAT expensive, is it...
Simpsonize. Tehe.
I think £95 is a lot, but on the other hand it has the monitor thingy... (OMFG, I'm already talking like gnome...)
Anyway, the PS1 is a great console to have. It reminds me of the times when Sony was the new kid on the block, struggling to survive in a market dominated by 2 industry dinosaurs.
Nowadays its just lies, expensive hardware, lies, crappy games and some more lies...
Wise words Nebacha, wise words...
£95 is VERY steep. I got myself a PSone once (no screen add on, mind) for a fiver and even my slim PS2 didn't cost £95! =E
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