Friday 1 December 2017


I'm afraid we (at the SEGA SATURN, SHIRO! Podcast) have been playing our Saturns perhaps a little TOO hard, as we've gotten dreadfully behind in sharing updates on the Junkyard... Many apologies!

However, if you've already listened to the excellent TitanCast more than a few times and are now twiddling your thumbs at what to do with yourself until those boys drop their next bomb-track.., we've got you covered with a few episodes to fill the time... ;)  Cheers! -Patrick, Dave & Ke

(Thanks again to Father Krishna for the warm welcome and invitation to share with the Junkyard!)

Episode 1: Introductions
We share our Saturn "origin stories", and talk game recommendations.

Episode 2: Neo Geo on SEGA Saturn
We discuss Neo Geo ports on the Saturn and talk RGB & video quality.

Episode 3: Let's Get Technical
We talk media, backups, swap tricks, carts, drive replacements.
Public release of Armed (Aftermath), a previously unreleased game.

Episode 4: Spooky Saturn Halloween!
We discuss several great games for a spooky Halloween play-through!

Episode 5: Getting Saturn Online...
We talk SEGA's online history and interview SEGA RPG FAN &
ItsStillThinking1999 regarding the NetLink over VoIP exploit!

Episode 6: LOVE or HATE
We discuss several polarizing Saturn games that often stir up debate.

1 comment:

fatherkrishna said...

It's my great pleasure to welcome the Sega Saturn Shiro podcast collective here at the 'Yard. Always a good listen!
I also would like to take the opportunity to thank the Shiro boys, for their support when Jon and I were initially setting up the Facebook group and re-opening the Junkyard.