Saturday 14 April 2007

The Discovery Of More Poor Saturn Advertising...

Those very funny boy's over at UK Resistance have found some more poor Saturn Advertising, this time going for the 'saucy' angle. They're also doing a very good job of ripping the piss out of the sluggish launch of the PS3... Find out more here...


gnome said...

Ah, yes, UK resistance. Brilliant site, innit?

Porroe said...

Is that thing in the ad a transvestite?

Unknown said...

excellent find, and it's not true you got blind... unless you sit really close to the telly...

fatherkrishna said...

Porroe! Do you mind? That's my wife, the lovely Mrs. Krishna!
"Mrs. K! There's a young man called Porroe who says you look like a bloke in drag!"
That's it P. you've had it now...

Yes Mr. Gnome, I love the UK Resistance boys they are very loyal to Sega and extremely funny!

Ah! Mr. Elderly! (that is you isn't it?) Sorry my eyesight is getting worse and worse...