Thursday 19 April 2007

The Saturn finally gets Return Fire

Return Fire (MobyGames entry), was a pretty fine Playstation/3DO/PC shmup that sadly never made it to the Sega Saturn. Well, not until now, that is, for the brilliant people over at got their hands on a lovely unreleased, slightly problematic, but definitely finished version of the game (with the help of developer Prolific, no less), patched it to perfection and released it for free. Yes, 100% free. Simply follow the link, scroll down to the downloading bit and get yourselves a professionally produced Saturn game.


fatherkrishna said...

This is a most fantastic discovery Gnome. I downloaded the file onto my desktop only to find that my pesky sons had pilfered all my CDrs... THE BASTARDS!!!

I was gonna nail this piece of freeware, I really was...

fatherkrishna said...

Damn! This is stunning and reminds me of something that I played on the Amiga, but I'll be darned if I know what the hell it was...

I found a disc and waited for Big Joe (my eldest) to burn it from my download and... Nothing! the Saturn wouldn't/couldn't recognise the disc! DOH! DOH! and DOH! again..

gnome said...

Glad you liked the post Father, but can't really help you with burning advice... I could suggest you look at the burning instructions included with the download... Perhaps there's a trick to burning Saturn images, just like there's a certain way to burn DC ones.

BTW, try mailing the guys of the site... They migh have an idea.

fatherkrishna said...

Perseverance will win out this will be mine!