Wednesday 18 April 2007

Reverend Early's weekly Sermons New Content!

It's a little known and under-visited blog, but there's four new posts on it encompassing such hallowed and diverse topics as The Illuminati (or to be more precise the novel Illuminatus!), Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Crass (the ultimate punk band) and the continuing influence of eighties synth pop on today's dance music.

Plus videos from Clockwork Orange, The KLF, Orbital, Dr. Who and Eat Static!

Come on peeps! Drop by, drop a comment, drop a message in the cbox and boost that web counter all the way up to the magical 100! :)

You can find all this meaty goodness here


Unknown said...

that webcounter wasn't made in the UK was it, does it conform to EU standards? it thought not afraid it'll need a safety certificate.... well got guarantee do you have it'll function properly over 100.... just as i thought

fatherkrishna said...

It fell off the back of a virtual lorry...