Monday 31 December 2007

Ultimate Saturn Video Tribute!

I found this rather excellent Saturn tribute by total accident! It's very pertinent to my own videogaming life, but if it seems at a tad irrelevant to our most revered console, be patient! It all comes good in the end! Watch and enjoy!


Animated AF said...

He owns Panzer Dragoon Saga and about 10 other games. Wow.

I want my ten minutes back.

fatherkrishna said...

I think it's the rather reverential positioning of the Saturn as the pinnacle of the collection, transposed as it is with the rather climactic music...

Plus you got to see a damn fine collection, hear abit of MJ, feel a bit of Dreamcast love...

But if you want your 10 minutes back, I'll see what I can do...

*FK hurriedly nips off to invent time machine...*

Ross said...

Not many people own Panzer Dragoon Saga, after all...

gnome said...

And I quite loved the video... Lovely find Father and a very happy new year too!

Anonymous said...

great find! The music throughout was amazing (especially the MJ). I think it would be almost impossible for me to buy Panzer Dragoon Saga, any game more expensive than a Treamcast isn't worth the money. ;)

elend said...

"Happy New Year" to all of you!

Anonymous said...

You are mistaken. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.