When some one takes the time to visit the Junkyard and then searches the archives, and then leaves comments on six (yes six) posts, then offers a Saturn modchip and then tells you that they had Segata Sanshiro T-Shirts made up for their friends, you've got to love them!
Welcome Elend, glad you're enjoying the site! Now if I could just measure you up for your Judo Suit and Elvis wig...
Haha, oh my... now that's embarrasing. I was just happy to actually find a nice Saturn blog. :D But thanks for the warm welcome.
Hey elend! This is a site devoted to devotees of the Saturn! No one sneaks in through the back door... You walk into this place talking about Segata and you get a fanfare!
'Nuff said!!!
Welcome elend! :)
Looks like the cult is growing, how many are we now Father?
Does anyone of you have something like an e-mail address? I wasn't able to find anything...
My email is revsimonearly@aol.com
You (or anyone else) can hit me up any time!
Happy days!
Nebacha! I reckon the cult totals about... (counts on his fingers)...
Elderly, Gnome, you, me, Caleb, elend, hex, Ross, Pierre, J, Junlee,Segata, Gagaman(n) and erm... Probably thousands of others...
I reckon we could probably challenge the Jedis or the Scientologists any day now...
The Jedi have LIGHTSABERS!
At least keep it quiet so we can try to sneak attack them!
Just for the record, my mail is nebachadnezzar@netvisao.pt
caleb, they may have lightsabers, but we have Saturns! :D
Not to mention that Segata has our backs
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