Friday 4 January 2008

Sega Saturn Flyer Archive

Well, you gotta love those japanese guys. The retrogaming scene - if you can call it like that - is quite big in Japan. You'll find tons of retrogames in countless shops, which are scattered around the big cities. Comedians are playing NES games in TV Shows. It is so big, that they release Soundtrack CDs of 20 year old games, even today!

Now I found that nice japanese website by accident, which features scans of Saturn games related Flyers. Yes, I know, it's all in japanese and you probably won't be able to read something. But the resolution is very nice, the quality even more so, both the front and back has been scanned and they are full of pictures! What more can you possibly ask for? The Navigation can be a bit tricky, tho. The game genres are in the upper left corner, and always check the lower left corner whilst browsing, since some genres have multiple pages of flyerscans! But nice as I am I also uploaded a little instruction screenshot.

(click for bigger version)

Funny: When writing this post, a great german Sega Saturn information repository came to my mind, which actually also features scans of old print ads as well as some videos and even radio ads! I recommend you check out its download section. The links are as follows...

Japanese flyers
European and Japanese print ads and TV commercials


fatherkrishna said...

God! This site just gets better and better! What a fabulous discovery dear elend!

See? I told you the site was just going from strength to strength in 2008... :)

elend said...

The Saturn blog to end all blogs! I want more comments here. Maybe we should do some advertisments in the intarnet! :D

NebachadnezzaR said...

Indeed, our dear Elend is proving to be quite the catch. The overall quality an quantity of the 'Yard improved a lot since he arrived.

Congrats to you!

Now, about that site, being kind of a fan of a similar site about arcade flyers, it's great to see something like that about the Saturn.