Sunday 20 January 2008

Welcome Arugulaz!

The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed a new contributor's name has been added to the most esteemed list on the sidebar of the blog. That's right, its Arugulaz! Creator of the most excellent Saturn Winter Special 1 & 2 videos, featured on the SJY a couple of weeks ago. (And a man who most definitley does NOT sound like a certain Dreamcast virtual man-fish!)


I'm most pleased to tell you that Arugulaz has accepted the invitation to join the team, and share his voluminous Saturn knowledge and Sega love with us mere mortals... So may I be the first to extend a warm welcome and a hearty "hello" to our newest recruit to the cult of Segata Sanshiro, Arugulaz!


elend said...

A hearty welcome, Arugulaz! I hope you'll enjoy your stay and keep on doing those great videos.
What about telling us a bit about yourself? Where the hell are you from and how old are you? :D

NebachadnezzaR said...

Welcome ArugulaZ, it's always nice to see a new face here on the 'Yard. It just proves the Saturn is anything but forgotten.

Can't wait to see your first post ;)

By the way, Father, great vid.

fatherkrishna said...

Why thank you dear Nebacha! It is rather great isn't it? I like the cut of that young man's jib! (Except to describe the Saturn as "crappy" means he doesn't entirely respect our beloved console even if he respects our leader...

ArugulaZ said...

Thanks, guys. I'll try to make an inaugural post later today.

By the way, "crappy 2D system?" Who does this Tofugu guy think he is, anyway? He wouldn't be able to get away with this if Segata Sanshiro were still alive!

Caleb said...

"crappy 2D system?"

With the best 2D games and BEST 2D FIGHTING CONTROLLER EVER!!!!!!!!!

I don't think that people would be paying HUNDREDS of dollars for games on a crappy system.

Besides that it was a good video.

Animated AF said...

"Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Mr.T rolled into one" is probably the best way to sum up Segata Sanshiro I have ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see this site!

I was one of the founding people of's Sega section. I have a ton of Saturn stuff - bonus CDs, brochures, magazine articles - if you want them. Just drop me a line. I don't think they have them up over there anymore.

Anonymous said...

Er ... scans/images, that is.

fatherkrishna said...

We'll be in touch Ryan! Thanks for the offer!

elend said...

I already mailed him, Fatherkrishna. :p I was just too fast and thought he wanted to SELL these things to us, yet he was only talking about scans. But nonetheless, I'd also like to have those scans.

gnome said...

And a hearty belated welcome from me too!

You've gathered quite a team here, haven't you Father? Excellent!

Anonymous said...

wow - this is quite the saturn community.

Thanks for posting the video, and I'm sorry I called your system crappy. 2d games are awesome, I Promise :(

fatherkrishna said...

Your welcome koichi, and as you can tell from the comments we all loved the video! (Despite the "crappy" reference...) :)