Monday 7 January 2008

Vectorized Model 2 Saturn

(click for bigger version)

Today I finished my vectorized Model 2 Sega Saturn. The round edges of it gave me quite a headache, since they were rather hard to fake with linear shading only. And for some odd reason the blend stuff in Corel Draw does not work at all for me. I actually like the Model 1 Saturns with the oval buttons more, but I choose the white japanese Saturn because a) japanese is always great and b) the white Saturn fits the artwork which I am planning much better. Yes, there's also an artwork in the works, but this is super secret, because it'll still take a while to finish it. You'll hear it hear first, of course.

Here are some details of the vector.

(click for bigger version)


racketboy said...

Oh my that is amazing! I love vector art, so vector art of a Saturn (especially at this detail level) is heaven for me.

Any chance of making a black version?

elend said...

Yes, I was actually planning to do a black Model 1 Saturn, too. And a grey one.

NebachadnezzaR said...

Nothing short of amazing, dear elend.

In fact, it's so amazing that even that retrogaming legend that goes by the name of Racketboy said so.

Ross said...

Extremely impressive! Hopefully you didn't get a headache after going through all of that hard work...

Random J said...

The lack of comment from Father Krishna himself surely means he's fapping over that image.

Good work Elend! I'm not even going to ask how you did that model, I'll just say "Good work!" You made the Saturn looks sexy!


fatherkrishna said...

*Harumph!* I'm not 'fapping' over it J! *Hides crusty tissues...*

Apologies for my absence dear brothers! A return to work, with lot's of work to bring home, my littlest son hogging the computer due to World Of Warcraft, plus a little thing called Bioshock, have all conspired to prevent me from coming here...

But here I am and My Word!!! what a vision of beauty I see before me!

I've never heard of Vektor Art and how fitting that my first taste of it should be a supreme piece of Saturn worship from the mighty Elend!!

Stunning! Simply stunning! A masterpiece...

And what a prestigious collection of bloggers in the gallery...
Nebacha, Ross, J and *bows down* Racketboy!

Truly your powers are other-worldly elend... :)

elend said...

Nice to have you back! :D